Tuesday, February 9, 2010

NYC Public School Recycling Poster:

DESIGN to make a difference....
Poster design contest open to all Parsons Students: NYC needs your help! NYC public school students currently eat their lunch on polystyrene trays, which are thrown out every day and NEVER biodegrade. This amounts to 850,000 discarded per day or 153 million trays thrown out every year!

Through a Parsons led partnership, the Department of Education (DOE) is starting “Trayless Tuesdays” in March to reduce the amount of polystyrene waste by 20%. But the city needs DESIGN to help get kids, teachers and parents on board! The DOE would like to put posters raising awareness in all NYC public schools to support the initiative and promote further recycling in the cafeteria.

*All posters must be: -18” x 24”
full color or b/w -portrait or landscape

*There are two poster types:
A. for grades K-8
B. for high school students

*research your audience: what will grab kids attention in a school cafeteria? How can you use imagery to change behavior patterns around waste?

*research the problem: in order to spread awareness, you must be know the issues! Check out the references: www.sosnyc.org

*Your design must NOT include your name on the piece.

*Remember your client- its SCHOOL! Use correct grammar and consider learning points.

*Students whose poster concept is chosen, will be required to sign a release prior to printing.

post questions below:

1 comment:

  1. Here are some on-line sources for more information and inspiration:

    government agencies:

    NYC Department of Education (DOE) School Food site:

    NYC wstelle$$_school resources, Department of Sanitation, shows decals and more used in NYC schools:

    design inspiration

    For the 2008 Get Out the Vote campaign, AIGA invited designers from across the United States to create nonpartisan posters that inspire the American public to participate in the electoral process and vote

    Text and Image on Flicker

    Chris Jordan’s wave illustrates garbage patch

    Styrofoam lunch trays and waste issue

    Styrofoam Out of Schools
    SOS links

    NY Times, City RoomVideo: 4 Million Styrofoam Trays a Week


    In a Landfill, How Long Does Trash Really Last?

    Oprah: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch:

    NY POST, TRASHIN' OUT OF FASHION IN NYC The city spends about $100 a ton to dispose of residential garbage and is currently paying $57 a ton to get rid of most recyclables.

    Plastics and your body:
